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Mission Statement

The Families Behind the Badge Children’s Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that serves the Greater Philadelphia and South Jersey area.


The mission of the foundation is three-fold:


First – to provide financial relief to the families of fallen and critically injured first responders at their time of greatest grief and highest need.


Second – through our Police Youth Alliance Program, which was created by the foundation to connect cops and kids by spearheading non-enforcement, positive programs to change the dynamic between police officers and the communities they serve and to help diminish the mistrust that presently exists. 


Third - to provide mental health and wellbeing resources to first responders and their families.


All of these efforts are funded by the FBBCF’s signature event, The Ben to The Shore Bike Tour, which is a 65-mile bicycle ride from Philadelphia to Atlantic City. This year’s event is on Sunday, July 20, 2025.

We Need Your Support Today!

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